Dos And Don'ts Of Bailing Your Younger Sibling Out Of Jail
Often the big brother or the big sister is the person that a younger sibling will go to if they need help. If you have a younger sibling who has gotten into trouble with the law, you may expect that you will be the first call. If you are an adult and now face the thought of bailing your sibling out of jail, you may feel compelled to help. Here are some dos and dont's that you should know before you go bail out your younger sibling.
Do watch them until the court case
Guaranteeing bail means that you are willing to pay the entire bail if your sibling does not show up for the court case. Bail bond companies are typically open 24 hours and bonds can be secured for a cheap amount. The only issue will be that your sibling will need to be trusted to go to each hearing. If you need to go to see a bail bondsman like those at All Night & Day Bailbonds, you will first need to make sure you are willing to take on the financial responsibility. Be sure to get a schedule of all of their hearings and be sure that you accompany them or see them off to court.
Don't tell your parents for them
One step of growing up means that your siblings need to take responsibility for their own actions. Once you bond them out of jail, they may be afraid to tell your parents. Do not tell your parents for your sibling. Allow them to reveal their transgression at their own rate. They may wish for you to be there with them during the talk, but let them know telling your parents must be done by them.
Do give them advice
If it is your sister or brother's first time being in trouble, they may ask for advice or ask what you would do in their shoes. Give them your honest advice on how you feel about the case and what you would do in order to get into the least amount of trouble possible. Be sure to listen to their fears. Their lawyer and your parents may just want to talk about the logistics of the case. They may need someone to listen to their feelings instead.
Don't take over too much responsibility
While you may want to help your sibling, you still have your own life to live. If you wish to accompany them to court, go when you can easily get time off. If you have other important responsibilities, take care of those prior to helping with the case. Allowing your sibling to take care of some of their case on their own will also help them develop a sense of adulthood.